UG Programme revalidated in 2021-2022 and new modules phase in from 2022-2023. Modules with the prefix PCO (BA) will phase out from 2022-2023 as new PSY (BSc) modules replace. Newly revalidated Yr1 modules etc. are at node

Browse Programme

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Autism: An Interdisciplinary Approach PSY020X352S Module
Childhood, Attachment and Self-Regulation THP020X310S Module
Cognition and Emotion PSY020X355A Module
Cognitive Development in the Classroom PSY020X367A Module
Communication and Social Interaction PSY020X354A Module
Criminal and Forensic Psychology PSY020X366S Module
Critical Psychology PSY020X356Y Module
Extended Research Project PSY040X350Y Module
Health Psychology PSY020X357S Module
Individual Differences and Psychometric Research PSY020N260S Module
Interpersonal Neurobiology THP020N210Y Module
Managing the Counselling Process PCO020X352Y Module
Mind, Body and Brain 2 PSY020N251A Module
Models of Counselling PCO020N250S Module
Neuropsychology PSY020X358A Module
Perspectives on Consciousness PSY020N256S Module
Practical Creativity and Thinking Skills PSY020X370Y Module
Psychological Assessment for Counselling PCO020X351A Module
Psychology at work PSY020X389Y Module
Qualitative Research THP020X311Y Module
Reflective Practice in Counselling PCO020N251A Module
Research Methods and Statistics (2) PSY020N262A Module
Research Project PSY020X351Y Module
Self and Identity PSY020X383S Module
Social and Developmental Psychology 2 PSY020N253S Module
The Arts on the Couch THP020N211Y Module
The Psychology of Violence PSY010N240H Module
Theory in Practice THP020N212Y Module
Topics in Adult Psychopathology PSY020X379S Module
Understanding Mental Health PSY020N261A Module
Voluntary Experience and Personal Therapy THP040X312Y Module

Lists linked to Psychology (BSc/BA) pre-revalidation incl. N (Yr2); X (Yr3) modules - PSY, PCO and THP. Last Yr3 cohort starts Sept2023.

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