New programme for 2022-2023. IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)

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Advanced Clinical practice (2024-2025) PSY020L026Y Module
Applying Clinical Judgement in professional IAPT settings (2024-2025) PSY020L025S Module
Clinical Practice and supervision (2023-2024) PSY020L023Y Module
Developing core skills and competencies in counselling practice PSY000P010A Module
Diversity and Context in IAPT settings PSY000P020S Module
Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (2023-2024) PSY020L021A Module
Interventions in DIT (2024-25) PSY020L024A Module
Understanding contextual issues and service-related data (2023-2024) PSY020L022S Module
Working Psychodynamically with service users in IAPT PSY000P030Y Module

Lists linked to PG DIP IAPT High Intensity Psychotherapeutic Counselling in Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy

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